The quality of life of individuals, their social security and the environment are or will be actively affected by the current social development. And that is exactly what we want to and can change. With the RegionalConcept.

A lot has been demanded of all of us in the last few months. Life as it was still possible in 2019 suddenly no longer existed. We were simply deprived of certain services. No carefree visits to restaurants, no concerts, not even shopping in the city. If you were lucky, you had a hairdresser in your circle of acquaintances. And if not, then maybe someone who could knit fancy hats. But where do you find someone quickly when your child is no longer allowed to go to school but you urgently need to go to work?

However, it was not only the social sphere that underwent a change. It is becoming increasingly apparent in many areas that the existing global economic systems are not as stable as was long thought. The financial system is also showing its weaknesses, and not only through rising inflation.

Many experiences have led us to make provisions for future challenges. Knowing you have security when you need it.

We cannot say what the future will bring. But we know when the time has come for us to act.

Neighbourhood assistance was in the past. Today there is the RegionalConcept.

The RegionalConcept is a project for people with an interest in local networking for the purpose of meaningful economic activity. And you are invited to be part of it.


Each of us has skills and talents that (could) help others. One person can repair bicycles, another can bake delicious cakes or offer courses on healthy eating. Another can set up computers, give tutoring or mow lawns.

In return, everyone needs help from time to time, for example with household repairs or chores, moving house, walking dogs, cooking or dealing with the authorities.

The difference to a direct (barter) transaction from person A to person B is the offsetting that the regional concept uses. This supports a give and take among all users. For example, someone needs a car repaired and can offer piano lessons, eggs from their own chickens or home-cooked jam. And this does not have to be towards the service provider. The "car mechanic" is credited with 60 minutes, which he can spend on whatever he wants. In return, the client gets 60 minutes deducted from his account, which he can make up for with whatever he can offer.

This "word cloud" is meant to show that there are also things you could bring in. It could also be extended at will.


  • Sharing of resources (e.g. equipment, vehicles, living space, etc.)
  • Environmentally friendly, as long distances are avoided (through local purchasing and a regional delivery service).
  • Packaging that can be saved by using our own reusable system.
  • Preferred processing or purchase of organic products
  • Significantly reduced need to earn "real money", as time counts more than coins and notes.
  • Access to high quality food at very good conditions (through joint purchasing from producers or wholesalers)
  • Exceptional home-made products at cost price, which can only be obtained through the RegionalConcept.
  • Knowing that someone is there when you need help, whether with manual work or medical care.
  • Bringing people together, regardless of age, origin, ideology and financial status (joint events, groups, etc.).
  • To compensate for financial injustice or personal hardship through a "social fund" supported by all participants.


As a community we have set ourselves a number of goals. The time for all these tasks and challenges could not be more appropriate.

With the RegionalConcept and the associated website, we offer a basis for networking. Joint action and mutual support strengthen the local economy. By using the skills of all co-creators, we can find the right help for almost any task. This also makes it possible to significantly reduce dependence on the existing monetary system

Besides the economic aspect, however, it is the social interaction that makes the RegionalConcept worth living. It is almost impossible to find new friends more easily. As is well known, the journey is the destination. And even the longest journey begins with a first step.



You want to be part of it and help shape your future in the community?

Simply for a user account and you will receive all the information you need about the next steps. If there are already some users of the RegionalConcept in your area, we will add you based on your place of residence.

If there is no group yet, but you know some people in your area who would be interested in setting something up, you are welcome to contact us.


After three free trial months, the monthly costs for using the regional concept are as follows, and you can flexibly choose how you want to contribute:

  • 2 hours of your time, doing your favorite activities to support the system.
  • 20 R (Regios, our internal accounting unit), which currently equals about €20.00. The billing is simply done through your account.
  • A combination of time and Regios, as long as the sum of the two contributions reaches the value of 2 hours or 20 Regios.

So, you initially have plenty of time to find out if the people and opportunities in your region are right for you before deciding on one of the support contribution options.


The website "" was born out of an idea to implement a local economy that functions largely without "money" and uses what everyone has, namely time and skills. In March 2022, in the midst of economic and social change, the portal went online.

The special thing about it is that the "we" is a free community of people who use the website "", which is made available free of charge, to network in the immediate vicinity and to post the offers of neighbourhood help online in a meaningful way.

This does not require an association, a cooperative, or even an institution to take responsibility. The functioning is ensured by a stable, well thought-out structure that is lived by the co-creators.


The regional concept developed out of many ideas that emerged in countless discussions. Accordingly, it is not easy to put the motives and the way it works on a single website.

This section offers explanations of details that will certainly help you to understand the scope of RegionalConcept and its possibilities.

If you have a regional user group, you are welcome to join it. This gives you the opportunity to build up a regional network. Together, projects are initiated, services are brokered and products are offered. In short, it's about an alternative economic community. It is important to us that you want to live the basic idea. Only then does it really make sense for you.

The regional concept offers participants (i.e. users of the platform) the possibility to exchange services and goods. Time is the preferred medium of exchange, but money can also be used where necessary. The work that is done to help each other has the claim of extended neighbourly help. The offers are made via the website.

Co-creators contribute 10 R (current conversion rate to €: 1:1) and 2 hours of time per month. These are deducted from the respective account and credited to that of the RegionalConcept administration. Both time and money are earned simply by exchanging it with another participant.

In general, it can be said that the regional concept places a high value on appreciation, understanding and politeness - in other words, human interaction with each other. In order to simplify the exchange/trade (not profit-oriented!) we offer many suggestions and explain possible procedures.

Co-creators of the Regional Concept are merely users of a website. The website acts as a mediator of neighbourly help in practice. Association or commercial structures would be diametrically opposed to this idea. There is no profit motive on the part of RegionalConcept; the income from user fees (time and money) is used exclusively to expand the system.

RegionalConcept is a project by people for people. None of the initiators or the project itself is connected to any political organisations or so-called "NGOś" (non-governmental organisation). And this is also the intention. The website is intended to give people of all races, religions and backgrounds the opportunity to organise themselves in solidarity, to exchange ideas and to live humanity.

The regional concept is based on a decentralised, local networking structure. When a group has grown beyond a certain level, a neighbouring group forms from it. The model is the cell division of any organism. This avoids a centralised leadership structure, which is the general problem of our society today. The groups are then very well networked with each other through personal contacts and at the same time self-sufficient.

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